
Attracting & Retaining Gen Z Talent


This weeks insight is attracting and retaining Gen Z professionals.

This year we will see Gen Z (born between 1997-2012) overtake the number of Baby Boomers in the workplace. Tech-savvy Gen Z are flagged 🚩 as being the most disruptive generation yet and will make the biggest changes to the workplace with their different approaches to ways of working and work/life priorities.

Organisations will need to change and adapt their employee value proposition and recruitment processes to align with what is important to Gen Z, including their desire for expedited career development, instant gratification from tasks / projects and preference for remote/hybrid working.

🚀 23% of the workforce will be Gen Z in 2024

🚀 9 out of 10 Gen Z see remote/hybrid working as the biggest lever when choosing a role

🚀 57% of Gen Z would leave a role due to lack of professional development opportunities

Key Takeaways On Attracting & Retaining Gen Z Professionals

1️⃣ Assess your business’s need to hire Gen Z professionals over the next 12 months.

2️⃣ Consider whether your current employee value proposition matches the needs of Gen Z.

3️⃣ Review your working practices to ensure they cater for all levels of professionals including Gen Z.

4️⃣ Consider what flexible working options you can offer to attract Gen Z and ensure you develop effective strategies for managing remote teams.

5️⃣ Review the learning and development opportunities you offer to help attract and retain Gen Z professionals.

At CCP we partner with business and help guide them through business change and improvements as we hear first hand what people want from an employer!

For further information, please contact the team at CCP.