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Attracting & Retaining Gen Z Talent

As promised here at CCP we want to share weekly insights into the recruitment world, whilst also giving you food for thought 💭 This weeks insight is attracting and retaining Gen Z professionals. This year we will see Gen Z (born between 1997-2012) overtake the number of Baby Boomers in the workplace. Tech-savvy Gen Z are flagged as being the most disruptive generation yet and will make the biggest changes to the workplace with their different approaches to ways of working and work/life priorities.

And The Winner Is...

Organised by the CCMA (Call Centre Management Association), last nights UK National Contact Centre Awards (UKNCCA) was its 29th year. They are the most respected awards programme in the UK contact centre industry. The robustness of the judging process means that not only do the right individuals, teams and organisations win, but the process gives so much back to those that enter. From simply being told you’re being nominated into these prestigious awards, through to the reflection needed to put together the nomination form, to the learning and development opportunity when meeting the judges. Given all the judges are senior leaders from across the industry who have years’ of experience leading contact centre operations, their insight, questions and feedback can be an essential part of your development programme. With a clear judging criteria in place for nominations to work towards and for judges to assess against, not only are these awards credible and uphold the greatest integrity, they are designed to support individuals and teams to raise the standards of our industry.