
Our content includes market updates, industry news, case studies, testimonials, plus beneficial resources for our community of candidates and clients to access.

Keep Going. You've Got This.

Understanding the daily anxieties and stresses which existed; not just within our industry but in the wider general community was, and still is an everyday consideration for our staff. Throw a pandemic into the mix and some 650,000 redundancies across the country in such a short period of time and you can see now, more than ever, just how many people are suffering with their mental health.

Turn Up For An Interview? We Couldn't Be Bothered.

Ghosting is a well-known irritation of the dating game but now young people are blanking firms who offer them interviews… and even jobs. A survey found that the practice of cutting off contact and ignoring someone on a dating site without explanation has become common practice among job-hunters. An astonishing eight in ten (79 per cent) of Generation Z and Millennial job-seekers – defined for the study as those aged 18 to 24 and 25 to 39 respectively – have engaged in ghosting in the past year.

And They're Off...

CCP were approached by a famous English staple for Horse & Motor Racing as they were looking at a new project which would ensure the future excellence in Customer Journey for its national and international customer base.